LOLA PERRIN: Composer, pianist, collaborator, Composer in Residence at Markson Pianos, has published eight piano suites and has two CDs on general release. Collaborates in performance with various artists including Hanif Kureishi, Sue Hubbard, Mihir Bose. Has been interviewed by Quentin Cooper, and about her climate change compositions on BBC’s The Paul Hudson Weather Show. Lola has initiated ClimateKeys in which scores of pianists will be performing with guest speakers to engage audiences in talking about climate change across the world.

JENNIFER LEACH: Director of Outrider Anthems, established as an arts organisation that holds sacred art practice at its heart. The work of Outrider Anthems is to reconsider those stale myths and narratives that are not serving us, and to suggest others that might take their place, through diverse creative means. Currently, Jennifer is directing a yearlong Festival of the Dark in Reading, in which reflection, mystery and challenge are key. She continues the questioning in her own practice, with transmedia theatre works such as Song of Crow, Where Then Shall We Start? and Take Two, respectively looking at humankind’s dislocation with our habitat, the destructive nature of war, and the traumatic plight of Palestine. The works rely, not on didacticism and condemnation, but on asking the questions, ‘What have we lost?’ and ‘How could it be different?’ Where possible, these questions are always considered with a view to the delight, love and laughter that feed an alternative vision. Outrider Anthems has received substantial ACE funding since 2007.